Forward Janesville - TheReport - Third Quarter 2019

Public art is not an art form, but rather a multifaceted field that can encompass a wide variety of creative expressions. Public art comes in many styles, from oversized installations to small, abstract, or realistic pieces. It can be carved, built, assembled, or painted. It might be site-specific or stand in contrast to its surroundings. Art, in its many forms, is a connection to the community. It can be used as a way to enhance an otherwise impersonal space; a means to activate civic dialogue, or provide a vehicle for the community to express it’s identity. Janesville is home to many fabulous pieces of public art. Recently, Forward Janesville commissioned one of its member businesses, Megan O’Leary Photography , to spend a few hours in and around the community capturing various images of our treasured public art pieces. Each piece is unique and placed in a public venue site as a form of collective community expression that transforms a landscape, heightens awareness, and enhances our environment. These art pieces serve to enrich the physical, economic, social, and cultural elements of our community, instilling pride and fostering interaction and human connection among residents. Ultimately each piece of art becomes a part of the community’s collective identity and showcases a vibrancy that attracts visitors from near and far. ARISE Now recognizes the importance of public art in a community development plan and has identified key areas for commissioned public art in the downtown revitalization plan. The Bubbler, completed fall of 2018, is an interactive art piece found on the west side of Town Square. Near the Bubbler, an artistic glass and metal donor wall with ambient lighting will be completed in the spring of 2020. Additionally, the Blain Gilbertson Family Heritage Bridge was originally designed with several public art pieces inclusive in the design. Artistic end sculptures and a center sculpture will wow you from a distance upon completion. Art can be a vehicle for expression, an opportunity for activation, and a basis for communication. We are excited about the future opportunities for art in and around the Janesville community! 14 • W W W . F O R W A R D J A N E S V I L L E . C O M JoLynn Burden • Director of Development & Community Engagement, ARISE Now • What can public art do for community development? WHAT is PUBLIC A R T ? Public art is a reflection of how we see the world–the artist’s response to our time and place combined with our own sense of who we are.