Forward Janesville - TheReport - Third Quarter 2019

16 • W W W . F O R W A R D J A N E S V I L L E . C O M FJI Business Expo | October 17, 2019 When I meet with prospective members, I am always ready to be asked the most common of all membership questions: “What value am I getting for my membership?” This is a very viable question and one that I consider o en; however, having said that, I am not sure you can put an intrinsic value on what Forward Janesville does. On the extrinsic side, you can note the number of networking opportunities and community engagement events, and talk about our involvement in partnerships to support Workforce Development, Economic Development, Education, and ARISE Now. We partner with other committees and non-profits in an effort to ensure Janesville is moving in a direction that will afford all walks of life a fun and vibrant place to live, work, and play. We cannot do any of this without the support of our Ambassadors and our member businesses. In order to be a business that is for the members, we have to have members that are engaged, members that attend functions, and members that have a voice. To help us better serve our members, each year we complete a Membership Matters Campaign. We do this to find out what we are doing right as an organization and what we need to improve upon. As a whole, we received very positive feedback and feel that we are adding value to our community and our members. I am very excited about the new opportunities that this year brings us and hope to continue on this path. I want to thank everyone who took a moment to meet with your Ambassador and discuss Forward Janesville with them. Be on the lookout for exciting things to come! MEMBERSHIP MATTERS FJI’s Ambassadors spent hundreds of hours with member businesses during this year’s annual membership campaign, proving once more that membership DOES matter. Thank you to everyone who took time out to share their thoughts and suggestions. We sincerely appreciate it! The 2019 Ambassadors took advantage of the new Town Square to take this year’s annual group photo. What a good looking group! “We are members of Forward Janesville because we like to support local growth. When the local community is strong and vibrant, the whole community benefits.” Data Dimensions “We are a member of Forward Janesville to grow our business relations by networking, providing referrals, working together, and belonging to a group of like-minded individuals.We are a long-standing member of this community and by joining Forward Janesville, we hope that it shows we are committed to growing this community in which we strive to serve every day through youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility.” Leah Kluge, Marketing Director, YWCA of Northern Rock County Claudine Manor • Membership Development Coordinator •