Forward Janesville - TheReport - Third Quarter 2019

I love to travel, especially internationally. This year, my cousin and I went to New Zealand. We went whitewater rafting, biking, hiking, skydiving—it was a workout everyday! In addition to developing Division 1 talent, the Jets are really about affordable, family fun and community engagement. Raising money for community groups, coming up with entertaining game night themes—after being here nearly one year, I’m proud of the positive feedback we’ve received but there is so much more we can do. We have big things planned. HOW DID I GET HERE? s u c c e s s • c h a l l e n g e s • l i f e l e s s o n s • e d u c a t i o n • c a r e e r • f a m i l y • i n s p i r a t i o n s I used to value intelligence. I wanted to be the dumbest person in the room, learning from others. Today, I am even more inspired by hard work and dedication. I found the most successful people weren’t always the smartest, but they were always the most hard-working. 1 2 3 This shy Southern boy was pushed into acting in high school in North Carolina. I needed one more elective and theater fit my schedule. The counselor and my mother were pleased but, I wasn’t happy about it. Turns out, the theatre is the place where I felt most comfortable and really found my community. I moved to New York City after college to pursue acting . . . which is code for working in the service industry and going on auditions! After three years, I was ready for a change. My friend Mason sold me on Janesville and the Jets! Today, I feel very lucky to have connected with so many community-oriented people here. There is a lot to love about Janesville. If you’re new to the community, become familiar with the wonderful resources available to you, like Forward Janesville, the Janesville CVB, JPAC, and so many others. Check out their calendars and get involved. Moving to any new community can be lonely, so it’s important to get out there and stay engaged. • Basketball is my second hobby. I try to play three times a week. { LIFE LESSONS } I’m always drawn to local theatre, and Janesville is no different. I’ve been a supporter of JPAC since day one, and this summer I got involved with two plays. I performed in Stage One’s The Plan of Happiness and stage managed Jim Lyke’s When I Go. SHELTON TRIPP DIRECTOR OF SALES AND COMMUNITY OUTREACH JANESVILLE JETS, NAHL Try new things. It’s a myth that we have to find one passion in life. You don’t have to monetize your passion, either. You can have a job you love and pursue multiple other passions at the same time. Set goals and write them down. Tell other people and hold yourself accountable. How we define our goals is important. Short-term, long-term … think about what you really want. • • • { EDUCATION } 2010-2014 University of North Carolina at Greensboro Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting Greensboro, NC { WORK EXPERIENCE } 2018-PRESENT Director of Sales and Community Outreach Janesville Jets Janesville, Wisconsin 2016-2018 Server/ Wait Staff Sea Wolf Brooklyn, NY 2016-2017 Director of Sales and Business Development Puku, LLC New York, NY 2015-2016 Weekend Location Manager New York Kids Club New York, NY 18 • W W W . F O R W A R D J A N E S V I L L E . C O M