Forward Janesville - TheReport - Fourth Quarter 2019

FOURTH QUARTER 2019 • 11 2022 Jobs Landscape Top Emerging Roles: • Data Analysts & Scientists • Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Specialists • Software & Application Developers & Analysts • Sales & Marketing Professionals • Big Data Specialists • Digital Transformation Specialists • New Technology Specialists • Organizational Development Specialists • Information Technology Services Top Declining Roles: • Data Entry Clerks • Accounting, Bookkeeping & Payroll Clerks • Administrative & Executive Secretaries • Assembly & Factory Workers • Client Information & Customer Service Workers • Business Services & Administration Managers • Accountants & Auditors • Material-Recording & Stock-Keeping Clerks • Postal Service Clerks Source: WEF Future of Jobs Report - October 2018 2022 Skills Outlook Top Skills Increasing in Importance • Analytical thinking & innovation • Active learning & learning strategies • Creativity, originality & initiative • Technology design & programming • Critical thinking & analysis • Complex problem-solving • Leadership & social influence • Emotional intelligence • Reasoning, problem solving & ideation • Systems analysis & evaluation Top Skills Declining in Importance • Manual dexterity, endurance & precision • Memory, verbal, auditory & spatial abilities • Management of financial, material resources • Technology installation & maintenance • Reading, writing, math & active listening • Management of personnel • Quality control & safety awareness • Coordination & time management • Visual, auditory & speech abilities • Technology use, monitoring & control Source: WEF Future of Jobs Report - October 2018 Because of the explosive power of exponential growth, the twenty-first century will be equivalent to 20,000 years of progress at today’s rate of progress. By 2030, as many as 800 million people could be displaced by adoption of automation . As many as 375 Million People could Need to Change Occupational Category. 65 percent of today’s young learners will have a job that has not been invented yet. The day-to-day nature of work could change for nearly everyone as intelligent machines become fixtures in the American workplace . A central challenge in the automation age will be connecting millions of displaced workers to new, growing jobs.