Forward Janesville - TheReport - Fourth Quarter 2019

The term “public-private partnership” has been used many times to define the basis of the ARISE Now projects and the working team associated with the progress. These partnerships are the backbone to the ARISE Now initiatives. Community leadership volunteers along-side representatives from the City of Janesville, Forward Janesville, Downtown Janesville Inc., and the Performing Arts Center are making historical gains in working together, transparently and cooperatively, to make our community’s downtown a stronger, more vibrant place to enjoy a concert, dinner, or stroll through the many retail shops. One of the key partners is also our donors (ie: the private side of the equation). Without individuals, businesses, and foundations/grants providing financial support, the progress would not be at the level achieved thus far. As of the printing of this article, ARISE Now has raised $5.9M in just two years. This is a testament to the community visionaries and supporters who believe in the ARISE Now journey of revitalizing Janesville’s downtown—our downtown. Every contribution, from $50 to $50,000, is earmarked to transform our community through: light poles, pavilions, water feature, pedestrian bridge, ambient lighting, banners, riverwalks, public art, and so much more. Partnerships through activation of space, connecting downtown areas to ensure walkability, and creating opportunities for new business—all of these are being addressed with every key partner involved along the way. But we aren’t done yet. 2020 will be another key year as the Blain Gilbertson Family Heritage Bridge will add exciting new public art pieces to its design; the Donor Recognition Sculpture will be put in place; and the East Bank will be constructed, meaning in 2020 the westside of the river will be officially connected to the eastside! Conceptual images of the Donor Recognition Sculpture from public artist DeeDee Morrison (North Carolina) are shared in this article. It will be a landmark that draws people into the experience to understand and celebrate the history of the city. It was designed with the understanding of our community and where it is taking us: • The tree’s laser cut form is symbolic of the layering of the past, present, and future, creating a fabric that ties Janesville together. • Brushed metal in varying shades of grays, silver, and coppers are inspired by the seasonal color changes of the Rock River as it flows through our community. • The tree’s branches, reaching towards the east and west banks of the river, are the inspiration for embracing and attaining unity. • The inscribed donor names showcase our history and connection to residents and visitors. 14 • W W W . F O R W A R D J A N E S V I L L E . C O M JoLynn Burden • Director of Development & Community Engagement, ARISE Now • Be In… Be a Community Champion!