Forward Janesville - TheReport - Fourth Quarter 2019 Campaign support can be made via pledge, credit card, paypal or stock transfers. One time contributions or up to a 5 year pledge are available. Email for information. JANESVILLE e x p e r i e n c e t h e p o w e r o f c o m m u n i t y • Leaves from native trees in our community will be etched into the beautiful glass. This is a tip of the hat to Janesville being “Wisconsin’s Park Place.” All donors will be listed on both kiosks located in Town Square (one on the east bank and one on the west bank), as well as on the JanesilleArise.comwebsite within the About/Community Champions tab. Donors generously supporting at the $10,000 level and above (Champion Level+ donors) will have their names permanently recognized on the Donor Recognition Sculpture. All donations can be made through a pledge over a period of a couple years. Contributions can also be made via credit card or PayPal. Find a level that is meaningful to you and your family and make a long-lasting legacy in your community. Are you in? champions Leah Kluge Marketing Director • YMCA of Northern Rock County Best quality: GO GETTER! I pride myself on staying on top of things and gettin’ things done! Worst habit: Perfectionism. Best piece of advice: To thine own self be true. Worst piece of advice: Unsolicited advice. Favorite thing to do when not working: All things outdoors! My family and I love to camp, hike, swim, kayak, fish, travel and spend time with friends around the campfire. These are my happy places. Favorite place in the world and why: Being HOME! My husband and I are so busy working full time with three kids and two dogs— a lazy Sunday at home is my favorite place in the world! If I ruled the world, everyone would… Find the good in one another. Number one on my bucket list: It has always been a dream of mine to visit Canada. Specifically, Banff National Park and the Alberta/Calgary area. The book on my bedside table: Girl, Wash Your Face. My can’t-miss show: Gosh, I am a total TV junkie, not sure I can choose just one. I love bingeing shows on Netflix and am a total sucker for pretty much anything on Nat Geo Wild or Animal Planet. My foodie obsession: I’m kind of obsessed with all types of wraps, the spicier the better! What I love about my work: I love being able to work with community partners and I love that every day gives me something different. One thing I would change about my work: Marketing is so fun and creates new challenges every day, but if I could change one thing, it would be … more time! Sometimes time is of the essence and I am not able to be as creative as I would like. Why were you interested in joining the FJI Ambassadors? To network with people in the community and become familiar with the resources FJI offers. I was also interested in getting more involved in community events, volunteering and offering my skillsets to others. What do you hope to accomplish? My goal is really to be a spokesperson for the Y and connect with member businesses and potential businesses to get out and network! There are so many fun activities and great causes to support in the area and I want to help advocate for all of them. What one word best summarizes you? Driven FOURTH QUARTER 2019 • 15 A M B A S S A D O R P R O F I L E