Forward Janesville - TheReport - Fourth Quarter 2019

Renee: Since working together, every day is different for us. We do try to start each day the same, though, with coffee and devotional. That makes all the difference. This awesome guy brings me coffee every morning before I get out of bed! Kevin: It’s the only way I get her out of bed! Renee: I was a vice president in a health care organization. I really enjoyed it. After Kevin and I were married for about five years with a blended family, we started to look deeply at how we wanted our lives to look and how we desired to help others. It took us a little bit to hit on the right idea, but once we did, we knew. We match up very well together. Kevin is amazing with numbers and loves to negotiate and problem solve, and I enjoy strategic planning as well as the creative and marketing aspects of real estate. HOW DID I GET HERE? s u c c e s s • c h a l l e n g e s • l i f e l e s s o n s • e d u c a t i o n • c a r e e r • f a m i l y • i n s p i r a t i o n s Keep learning. Education is a lifelong endeavor. Kevin: “We read all the time. We still love to learn and to teach. When we decided to pursue real estate, I studied non-stop, getting my license in ten days. We don’t recommend going after your license necessarily in this way, but learning something new and pursuing it with passion is a wonderful thing.” 1 2 3 Kevin: I love math and science. I originally went to college for engineering and engineering physics, and then taught high school math in Deerfield for about 15 years. MDR was a way for Renee and I to work together on something that brought all of our passions together: pursuing big dreams, financial health, and encouraging couples to have great relationships. Renee: People ask us all the time about what it’s like to work together. We don’t mind answering that … it’s been wonderful for us. We find we are more grounded when focused on service to others and working together toward our shared dream as well as helping others achieve theirs. We do try to take time each day to talk about things unrelated to work, but realistically we integrate that into the everyday, too. You just can’t help it. Renee: We made a strategic decision to get involved in Forward Janesville. We found it has been a very helpful way for us as well as our team members to connect with the community and understand their needs and how we could be a partner going forward. • { LIFE LESSONS } Kevin: Going forward, we’d like to set ourselves up to travel more and maybe even snow bird. The real estate adventure is a vehicle for us to personally pursue big dreams while we also help others do the same. We recently went to Scotland together, giving me the opportunity to play at St. Andrews, the oldest golf course in the world. Check that one off the bucket list! We’re on the right track! KEVIN AND RENEE CLARK MAKING DREAMS Realty Kevin: “We have to add a third life lesson here, as it has defined our lives together: Go after your big dreams. Don’t settle and don’t give up. Write down your big dreams, share them, and keep trying. Failure is okay, it’s what you do and learn from the failure is key. Just keep trying. We all have big dreams and we get one life to pursue them.” Celebrate your accomplishments, big and small. Renee: “When we received our first paycheck from our new business in 2015 it was really small, but we took a commemorative photo and bought a bottle of wine to celebrate the first of a wonderful new adventure together.” • • RENEE CLARK { EDUCATION } GRADUATED 2009 MS, Nursing Administration Edgewood College • Madison, WI GRADUATED 1997 BSN, Nursing Edgewood College • Madison, WI { WORK EXPERIENCE } 2015-PRESENT Owner/Business Operations Exec MAKING DREAMS Realty (MDR) Broker Associate: KW Signature Janesville, Wisconsin 2011-2017 Vice President, Nursing Services Fort HealthCare • Fort Atkinson, WI KEVIN CLARK { EDUCATION } GRADUATED 2010 MBA Edgewood College • Madison, WI GRADUATED 2000 BS, Mathematics Edgewood College • Madison, WI { WORK EXPERIENCE } 2015-PRESENT Owner/Broker Associate MAKING DREAMS Realty (MDR) Brokerage Partner: KW Signature Janesville, Wisconsin 2001-2015 Math Teacher Deerfield High School • Deerfield, WI 18 • W W W . F O R W A R D J A N E S V I L L E . C O M w X