Forward Janesville - TheReport - Fall 2017

SUMMER 2017 • 11 FALL with…Steve Pophal Janesville School District Superintendent I always have music playing… Never enough time to go fishing… 6-7 hours of sleep per night 5 + 5AM • I typically get up at 5am— the dog doesn’t even get up with me this early! I get updates on the morning news and spend time reading and posting on Twitter. I am a big breakfast eater and always have a hearty morning meal. 7:30AM • After a 10-minute commute, I arrive in the office at the Educational Services Center. I read the morning paper and check email. 8AM • Meetings with district leaders to conduct routine business and to make plans to meet district promises. The focus of the central office leadership team is to provide support and service to staff in the buildings working with students. Nothing happens in a school until it happens for kids. Students are our focus. Meeting their needs drives our decision-making. 11AM • I spend time with community leaders. Our promises include getting all kids ready to continue their education and training beyond high school. We are determined to prepare students to have the skills necessary to fill living wage jobs, not minimum wage jobs. These promises can only be accomplished by working with area business leaders, government leaders, community agencies and our community colleges. We are determined to graduate kids who know how to do something, not just know something. Lunch is often a handful of mixed nuts and a protein bar on the go. 1PM • This is my favorite time of day: school visits. It gives me a chance to interact with kids and staff. We have dedicated staff who work tirelessly to ensure every child is known by name, strength and need. 3PM • The School District of Janesville (SDJ) belongs to the community, and school board members are entrusted by the community to be caretakers of the district. I regularly spend time communicating and meeting with Board Commissioners to ensure their voice is reflected in the daily operation of the district and they are informed about everything SDJ. We are blessed to have talented commissioners who give freely of their time to serve the district and community. 4PM • Office time to return calls or attend district afterschool/evening events. 6PM • I can’t live without regular exercise, so after work, it’s time to hit the gym for a workout or go on a long, brisk walk with my wife and dog. This is a good time for my wife Judy and I to nurture our relationship and be in the moment with each other. After the workout, I have a light dinner. The remainder of the evening is spent reading, doing email correspondence, planning for the next day, talking to my adult children who live in Florida and California and watching a favorite show. Game of Thrones rocks! 10PM • I make a daily entry in my gratitude journal. I have so much to be thankful for and taking time to write about my blessings reminds me I live a good life and helps me stay focused on serving others through my leadership and daily example of living. Lights out. At least I can dream about fishing! 24 HOURS hours per day in meetings 10 hours per week visiting schools 1 hour per day working out hours per day for planning hour per day for professional reading 2.5 hours per day answering emails and texts and posting on Twitter (@spophal) 3 1