Forward Janesville - TheReport - Spring 2016

SPRING 2016 • 11 Lori Sperry Private Banking Officer Johnson Bank AMBASSADOR PROFILE Ambassador Positions Held: Chair, Vice-Chair, Ambassador Recruitment/Retention Chair, Secretary, multiple sub- committees Why did you get involved with the Ambassadors? At the time I joined the Ambassadors, my position called for me to know the business community better, so it was a perfect fit. I had been on FJI sub- committees previously, so I had an appreciation for all the organization does for its member businesses and the economic growth of Janesville. The Action Team involvement was a natural progression for me to maximize my role within the group and hopefully, be a good example for incoming Ambassadors. What have you learned from a fellow Ambassador or business member that impacted you, personally or professionally? Not to belong to so many volunteer programs that you get “washed out” and aren’t able to contribute to your best ability. Devote your attention to a couple of programs you’re passionate about and make a difference. What was your most interesting Ambassador experience? The most interesting would be an Ambassador event where we went to Yo Ni’s home on Ruger Avenue and he hosted a dinner for us. He had many interesting stories, including how he acquired and prepared the food we ate. The interior of his home was equally interesting with stories of his antique pieces and how he turned the house into a lavish home. It was not a typical dinner at a friend’s house. What is your favorite Forward Janesville event and why? By far, the Annual Dinner. This is like the “Gala Ball” for FJI, where most of the member businesses attend so it’s a good event to network! The speakers of late have been wonderful (and local!!!) and it’s fun to see what Rod comes up with for decorations! What advice would you give to a new Ambassador? Don’t join just because someone told you you’d be good at it and/or your employer wants you to. Join because you believe in FJI and want to contribute your time and energy by being actively involved. Why is green your favorite color? :) So if you noticed by my earlier answer about remembering what I wore to my first meeting, you’d know I love clothes and Pine Green is NOT a color I have in my wardrobe. Stay tuned for RED!!!!!!!!!! Do you have a favorite quote or motto? A couple of them: • Be positive minded – no one likes being around a negative person • If you can’t say anything nice; don’t say anything at all! (I have to work on that at times!) WWW.WHI TONHOUSE .COM STRATEGY Everything we do must be well reasoned, not a matter of habit or convention. ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Here we look at organization development not as a time for training and classes but as a detailed plan of execution of how we are going to get from Point A to Point B by building sustainable capabilities. COMMUNICATION Good communication is above all else authentic and purposeful. GOODWILL AMBASSADOR SINCE … “Robbi Seales, Jim McMullen and I have been Ambassadors so long, we can’t remember when we started—it’s kind of a standing joke. I can’t remember when, but I can remember what I wore to my first meeting! Pathetic!”