Forward Janesville - TheReport - First Quarter 2020
FIRST QUARTER 2020 • 11 The Centennial Industrial Park is fully redeveloped We predict the Centennial Industrial Park (the old GM site) will be largely redeveloped with several logistics/distribution companies building facilities there because of the railroad infrastructure. Shine Medical Technologies continues to grow and prosper On the heels of a successful launch of the Moly 99 production facility, we foresee Shine Medical Technologies expanding its campus and adding additional product lines. We’ll even go as far as predicting that over 50 local investors in the original project will become millionaires or multimillionaires, creating a pool of venture capital for other ambitious ideas developed and cultivated by the scientists at Shine. The RiverWalk Amphitheater opens to record crowds We predict that The RiverWalk Amphitheater project will be built along the river north of JPAC, attracting more than 50,000 people to various concerts and theater performances during its inaugural year. The unique design of the facility will win numerous awards and the walkway along the river connecting the amphitheater to the Town Square will be famous for its collection of public art, becoming the most popular walking path in Janesville. Single-family residential builds hit record highs We’re betting the number of new single- family residential units in 2030 will finally exceed 300 for the first time in 20 years. The new Milwaukee Street Bridge and Blain Gilbertson Family Heritage Bridge are unveiled! The wait is almost over, as an iconic pedestrian bridge will be unveiled in 2020 to the public! This bridge will not only link the East and West side of Town Square but will also feature a public art piece intertwined by a walkway across the river and is sure to be a hot selfie spot in the near future. In addition, very soon both the Milwaukee Street and Court Street Bridges will have beautiful under-lighting, creating a dramatic effect. When you visit this year, don’t forget to stop by the Bubbler and Donor Wall to capture all of Town Square’s highlights! The Janesville Mall reinvents itself With a progressive management company leading the way and a new sports complex proposed, we see great things for the Janesville Mall. Janesville solves the housing market crisis, with downtown developers leading the way As Janesville’s economy has grown, so has the demand for housing in all shapes and forms. Rather than seeing a only low-cost housing construction, we have a new challenge: keeping up with demand for both affordable and luxury real estate. It’s a good problem to have in the sense it represents how far we have come, but it is also one of our key challenges going into 2020. By 2030, we hope to see over 2,000 people living in new apartments and condos in the downtown area. This concentration of downtown residents will fuel a surge in service businesses deciding to open locations in downtown. Local restaurants and retail are booming In the past five years we have seen a major expansion of the number of food and beverage establishments thanks to changing consumer habits, higher disposable income and the growth of our local economy. Various chains now consider this market whereas before we did not meet the minimum threshold for a new investment. We predict the number of restaurants and bars in the downtown area will double from 20 in 2020 to 40 in 2040. Metal fabrication takes a backseat to new, growing sectors Based on current activity, we think that over the next ten years, for the first time in Janesville’s modern history, the food, plastics, IT, and logistics sectors will each be larger than metal fabrication. Jackson and Centerway loses an aging eyesore Between now and 2030, we foresee that the dilapidated building on the corner of Jackson Street and Centerway Avenue—the former location of Robinson’s Cleaners—will finally be demolished, thus eliminating one of the most high-profile eyesore properties in the downtown area. Janesville native elected president We’ll just have to speculate about this one for now. Who knows, right? Out on a Limb: Our Predictions for the Future