Forward Janesville - TheReport - Fourth Quarter 2021

LOOKING AHEAD TO 2022 Forward Janesville has always been a leader when it comes to economic and community development representing the interests of hundreds of businesses and community organizations. To support the organization’s long-term goals and address emerging market challenges, annually the Forward Janesville Board and leadership team develop an operating plan based on our Strategic Opportunities Report, which is always available on our website. Designed to be robust and agile, the annual strategic operating plan fosters operational excellence and defines key strategic initiatives and partnerships. Membership | Economic Development | Government Relations Workforce Development | Community Partnerships Forward Janesville members win when our community strengthens through the work of many. 32 GUEST PRESENTERS ON 10 ALL-MEMBER CONFERENCE CALLS PROMOTED THE FUNDING of infrastructure, including KEY TRANSPORTATION INITIATIVES , working with city to find the optimal path. STRATEGIC OPERATING PLAN UPDATE LETTER FROM INCOMING BOARD CHAIR As a community, we have come so far together, and there is much on the horizon. Over the last few years, we have been striving to be both deliberate and transparent in the way we translate the Forward Janesville strategic opportunities report, which includes our big, long-term goals, into our annual operating plan, which drives our day-to-day efforts toward those big goals. Our work is organized around five key capabilities: membership, community partnerships, government relations, economic development, and workforce development. Working together as a team—as a community—we can elevate regional business, industry, and Janesville as a whole. None of the things we are doing are new. Vibrant communities across the world are using similar strategies to achieve their aims. What sets us apart and makes us special is a way of working together and moving things forward collectively. We don’t always have the resources available to us as some larger metro markets yet look at what we have been able to achieve. Our shared governance model combined with the way we look out for one another and go above and beyond to pursue our big dreams makes the difference. We’ve all been through two years of significant challenges, which have impacted us in many different ways. Yet our community figured out how to survive and even thrive. This has not been without dips and real pain, and certainly some have suffered more than others. Taking a moment today to celebrate all we have achieved despite the obstacles is important. We did it because we found one another, and we worked together – our businesses, our county and our not-for-profit and educational partners. This is what makes the idea behind Forward Janesville so powerful. We experience the power of community when we align goals and work to build the vision. It was a joy celebrating member growth even during a pandemic with ribbon cuttings, watching our ambassador group give so generously of their time, and working with our members to amplify our voice and incent lasting change. To see this momentum and cooperative effort pay off firsthand, well that’s a true joy and the real power of community. Here’s to everyone who persevered and to the bright new year upon us. I can’t wait to see what we are able to accomplish next. Oakleigh Ryan Forward Janesville Incoming Chair MEMBERSHIP GOVERMENT RELATIONS 53 NEW MEMBERS ADDED 26 RIBBON CUTTINGS SPENT 111 HOURS LOBBYING 149 COMMUNICATIONS VIEWED 5,000 TIMES Launched new monthly Political Digest. Every MONDAY CHAMPION-LEVEL MEMBERS receive an overview of county, city and school district PRIORITIES AND PROGRESS. COLLABORATED to maintain Federal MSA rating for the Janesville-Beloit metropolitan statistical area (MSA), an important element for BRANDING OUR REGION and communicating its value. 6 • W W W . F O R W A R D J A N E S V I L L E . C O M