www.forwardjanesville.com | 17 What motivated you to join the Ambassadors? I’m one of those boomerangs that started here [in Rock County], went away and then chose to come back to the area. Getting connected with Forward Janesville (FJ) and the Ambassador program has been a fun way for me to get involved with the business and philanthropic aspects of our community. In the grand scheme of things, I am still relatively new to the Ambassadors, having joined last April. The work I do at the bank is all about supporting people and businesses in the community. Being directly involved with FJ is a natural alignment for me personally and professionally. FJ opens doors and helps facilitate turning conversations into friendships. As an Ambassador, how are you connecting to the community? I firmly believe that relationships matter and are key to building long-term, mutual successes. FJ demonstrates that it has the same philosophy. I love it when I have an opportunity to introduce people and their ideas to others – and FJ does as well. My most fun days are those when I pop in to meet businesses and learn about ways that I can help them with their challenges and celebrate their successes. I am especially proud when Sauk Valley Bank can help sponsor and participate in local events that bring people together. There’s an old Zig Ziglar quote that has always resonated with me: “You can have everything in life that you want if you will just help other people get what they want.” When you’re not working or volunteering, where would we find you? If I’m free, I’m outside doing something with my wife, Tashia, and our attention-seeking goldendoodles. We have been working to maintain and restore a farmstead in Albion that drew us back to the area seven years ago. There will always be more projects than we will ever complete but we enjoy the challenge. I recharge listening to podcasts and music while mowing the lawn, tending gardens and pulling weeds. I love entertaining at our property. EDWARD CACERES Outreach Coordinator Adelante Janesville Edward has been involved with Forward Janesville (FJ) since 2016, when he was part of a private White House tour during one of FJ’s annual Washington D.C. trips. Then, he joined as a member for his own business, Business Advice & Solutions. His connection to Adelante Janesville was sparked at FJ’s 2023 Annual Dinner, and he joined the program as the Outreach Coordinator in 2024. Edward has extensive experience in developing small to mid-sized businesses in the Stateline area (northern Illinois/southern Wisconsin) and a strong commitment to supporting the growth of the Latino entrepreneurial community. Why is Adelante Janesville important? There is a large Latino community in Janesville and Rock County and many of them are entrepreneurs. However, they need help to navigate the system to establish their businesses and help them grow. This is where Adelante Janesville comes in and plays the crucial role of navigator. The energy at the very first Adelante Janesville event that I attended was electric. This community is ready to connect with each other. One of my first priorities as the Outreach Coordinator was to conduct a discovery assessment to determine the current challenges of the local Latino entrepreneurial community. The outcome of the assessment was to establish a series of educational workshops. Then, we began providing technical assistance to entrepreneurs and developed communication channels such as a Facebook page and a regular newsletter to reach out to the Latino community with relevant and reliable information to support business development. Without Adelante and Forward Janesville leading in this space, there would be a void in the community. Why are you such a passionate advocate for small businesses and entrepreneurs? Because of their energy and spirit. I started my first business when I was 16. I dove in at a young age and have been fortunate to have many mentors who helped me along the way. So, I know firsthand how important it is to have mentors in your life. The business wisdom shared by my mentors throughout many years helped me develop a professional skillset that prepared me to advise other entrepreneurs. In the past 15 years, I have successfully advised more than 1,500 entrepreneurs. It is truly rewarding to have the ability to help people make their dreams come true. What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever received? Don’t waste your time chasing money or fortune. Instead, focus on becoming the best version of yourself, achieving success and excelling in what you do. As a result, money and fortune will follow.