The Forward Janesville Quarter in Review
Questions or comments?
As always, please feel free to contact John Beckord at 608-757-3160 anytime.
W W W . F O R W A R D J A N E S V I L L E . C O M
FJI encouraged the Janesville City Council to amend an existing
agreement to bring Shine Medical Technology’s headquarters to
downtown Janesville.
Forward Janesville led a team of civic and business leaders to help
secure a $40 million grant from the U.S. Department of
to accelerate the I-39/90 Expansion Project.
Forward Janesville is gearing up for the 2016 Rock Regional
Business Expo.
Many new components exist that will freshen up the
already successful day. Some new tweaks include a new floor plan,
new use of the pre-function area, announcement/raffles provided all
day, best booth award voted on by the Goodwill Ambassadors, mini-
workshops available and the first ever Business After Four, plus more!
Area businesses welcomed Forward Janesville Goodwill
providing a host space for the monthly ambassador
meeting along with a five- to ten-minute welcome message about the
latest in their business. Thank you UW-Rock County, Old Towne Mall
and Blackhawk Community Credit Union for the use of your space!
Summer Business After Fives provided a great way to unwind and
network with fellow business and community members after
Forward Janesville partnered with Associated Bank, Festival
Foods, Best Events, Blackhawk Bank, O’Riley & Conway’s Irish Pub,
Famous Dave's and Girls Scouts of Wisconsin Badgerland for a
combined attendance of more than 450. Now that many new contacts
should fill your rolodex!
The annual Membership Matters Campaign kicked off on
September 8th with an energetic Ambassador orientation before
the team hit the streets to personally meet with member
Membership Matters is the perfect time for all Forward
Janesville businesses to re-engage employees in the vast array of
Forward Janesville offerings, as well as share their current business
successes and challenges.
Forward Janesville continues to lead conversations about the
future of transportation in Wisconsin
, particularly related to funding
for our state’s beleaguered highway system.
The Goodwill Ambassador Grant Program is accepting
applications through October 31, 2016.
If you are a Forward
Janesville member in good standing and a non-profit organization,
please consider applying. The program is fully funded by the
volunteers of Forward Janesville, our wonderful Goodwill
The August
Nothing But Net
at Voigt Music Center Community
Room attracted a full crowd of 20 attendees.
If you missed this
excellent (and free!) member networking benefit, stay tuned as
Forward Janesville will be hosting additional events in November and