FALL 2016 •
Begins his career in health
care as a community
relations representative at
Parkside Lodge, a substance
abuse treatment center in
Janesville and Edgerton.
Leaves Parkside to join
Mercy Hospital as director
of marketing, during the
very early stages of Mercy’s
transition from a single-
location hospital into an
integrated health system.
Takes on a role as Senior Vice
President at Holy Cross
Hospital in Chicago, focusing
on patient satisfaction
improvement. “I quickly
learned the only way to
improve patient satisfaction
was to first improve employee
and physician satisfaction.”
Becomes President of Baptist Hospital in
Pensacola, Florida. “Baptist was in a very
competitive environment, with two other large
regional hospitals competing for share. Like
Holy Cross, the objective was to capture the
hearts of the employees and physicians. That,
too, became the foundation for Studer Group.”
s Studer Groupconsulting with the aim of
expanding his passion for helping others improve
stakeholder satisfaction. Studer Group grows from 3
to 250 employees over 15 years, garnering national
contracts and interest from various potential investors.
During this time, Studer simultaneously begins
investing in downtown Pensacola with an eye toward
redeveloping the area to reinvigorate economic
growth. “It started with the purchase of an independent
professional baseball team in Pensacola. Next we
were part of a public/private partnership whose goal
was to redevelop 27 acres downtown. There’s far too
much to it to summarize briefly, but in short I became
passionate about the development I was seeing in
other downtown areas while traveling and wanted to
bring that same momentum to where I lived.”
JMI,a private equity firm,
purchases a majority interestStuder Group for $217 million
dollars. Studer stays on.
2015 Huron Healthcare buys 100 percent
of Studer Group. Now making his
full time home in Pensacola, FL,
Studer becomes interested in his
next passion project: developing
downtown Janesville alongside his
wife Rishy Studer and daughter
Bekki Kennedy
Studer leaves Huron in March, to focus
full time on the
Studer Community Instituteand a variety of community
development projects, including a $52
million downtown residential and retail
complex and a $14 million dollar
office/retail center.
Sacred Heart Health System names its
children’s hospital the
Studer Family Children’s Hospitalin Pensacola, FL.