WINTER 2016 •
It’s already a well-worn trope: millennials are entitled, lazy and difficult
to manage. They show up late and leave early. They abhor hard work.
They are always on their phones—most likely snapchatting the day
away. They expect to be promoted immediately.
But is this unflattering stereotype even close to the truth? Or is it a
convenient way for the non-millennial set to pigeon-hole a new class of
worker—and society—that is increasingly unwilling to accept the
status quo?
In April of this year, a Harvard Business Review article by Bruce N.
Pfau posited that millennials want the same things the rest of us do at
work: fulfillment, recognition and a sense of purpose. Pfau said that
though pat descriptions of millennials are convenient and seem to ring
true, there is little empirical evidence to back up these claims. Every
generation brings with it a fresh approach and, of course, inevitable
backlash. Beatniks, Boomers, Gen X-ers … it’s almost a given that the
older generation will take some issue with the younger generation,
despite evidence to the contrary.
In fact, a study by George Washington University and the Department
of Defense that analyzed more than 20 studies about generational
differences concluded that “meaningful differences among
generations probably do not exist in the workplace.” So what is the real
issue? Is any changing of the guard inherently destabilizing? In his
article, Pfau cites a study by IBM’s Institute for Business Value that
found that 25% of millennials surveyed want to make a positive impact
on their organizations. The same could have been said of Gen Xers
(21%) and Baby Boomers (23%) during their emergence onto the
scene. There may be nothing new at all about millennials except that
their behavior is as normal and predicable as any generational or
business cycle.
Others recent studies also actively contradict the accepted millennial
stereotype. A 2016 report concluded that millennials may actually be
the true workaholics. The study, by Project: Time Off and GfK, found
that millennials are more likely to define themselves as proud “work
martyrs.” Work martyrs work more hours and use less vacation time
than their peers. About 43% of millennials surveyed fell into this
category as compared to 29% of overall respondents. The “always-on”
culture may, in fact, be having a bigger impact on millennials than
anyone else—and not in a necessarily positive way.
So if millennials aren’t really slackers for whom work is secondary, how
do we explain the pervasive perception? Some might argue the
millennial stereotype really says more about those promoting it than the
reality. Maybe we are all chaffing against inflexible schedules and too
many work hours that leaves time for little else. Perhaps all the articles
and case studies about “how to make work attractive to millennials” is
really about making work attractive to everyone. We all want
purposeful work. We all want to feel appreciated and valued. And, of
course, we all want ample time to spend with our families and friends.
It’s just human nature.
In other words, the complaints millennials have about restrictive work
places have less to do with their age than with the world at large. We
are all living in a tech-savvy world that can easily support greater work
flexibility. It doesn’t make sense for the old rules to apply. Age 25 or 60,
we have the tools to redesign the way we work … but job design in
many sectors has not yet caught up with the potential freedoms
technology promises.
Maybe, as Pfau briefly suggests, we use “generational” differences to
absolve ourselves of control. After all, it’s far easier to attribute
workplace dissatisfaction to something outside our control than it is to
spend time and resources learning how we can better serve
employees and, then, implement potentially radical change. Are we
taking the easy way out? At what cost? If we are to believe the
research, it seems the best way to work with millennials (and ensure
they are working for you) may be to:
Help employees
understand how and why they are a part of something bigger than
themselves. Humans are social. We want to contribute. We feel better
when we have a mission and when our work is focused on improving
something in our society. Define what your business does for others.
Share it often. Engage employees in this mission of service.
Most humans have an innate need
to learn and grow, whether or not that is explicitly expressed.
Investing in employee growth can take many forms. Research
suggests efforts should be more about long-term career
development than one-off training to reap real rewards.
while keeping in
mind that millennials are no different than any other young employee
group. Employees under age 35 are naturally more inclined to move
on to new work experiences more quickly. However, the figures so far
indicate, if anything, that millennials are even slightly under the
average turnover as compared to prior generations.
Leadership sets the tone: good, bad or
indifferent. The latest versions of the annual Millennial Study by
Deloitte found that respondents place less value on visible, well-
networked and technically skilled leaders in favor of strategic
thinkers, inspirational, personable and visionary leaders.
1. a person reaching young adulthood around the year 2000
2. individual born between 1982 and 2004