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Page Background

Eight years ago, my wife was diagnosed with

breast cancer. We had just moved to Milton

and we really didn’t know anyone. I was

surprised and overwhelmed at how welcoming

and supportive the community was. It’s almost

like being on a college campus. Other places

have a sense of anonymity but here, wherever

you go, there are friendly faces and you stop

and chat. It’s a wonderful place to live.

A few years ago, my wife and I completed the

Wisconsin Ironman. The journey started as

part of my MBA thesis on goal setting, and I

made this one of my personal goals. At that

time, I couldn’t swim back and

forth one lap in the pool! I

wasn’t a complete rookie—I

had run a few marathons—

but I had no idea what I was

really getting into. You start

at 7:30 am and need to finish

by midnight. We crossed the

line at 11:05 pm. It felt great.

My wife did another after. Me,

one and done, crossed off the

bucket list! But what an




s u c c e s s • c h a l l e n g e s • l i f e l e s s o n s • e d u c a t i o n • c a r e e r • f a m i l y • i n s p i r a t i o n s

Find a good mentor. Someone willing to put in the

time with you. I am forever indebted to my father,

Tom Wilkinson, and RD Boschulte who have been a

source of wisdom and friendship throughout my

career. Both are retired now, but we still get together

for lunch every few months.




My father and grandfather were bank

presidents, so growing up I thought it was just

what you were supposed to do! Still, I wasn’t

entirely certain what path was right for me. I

somewhat fell into a job as a teller in Madison

right out of college and started a

management training program shortly after.

The bank offered a lot of opportunities to

learn and grow. Before long, I knew I was on

the right track.

A big part of our job is networking. Forward

Janesville provides an avenue to that, as well

as exposure to educate others about what

First Community can offer. It has tremendous

resources for someone new to the area to

get to know

others and get

plugged in—

from golf

outings and

luncheons to

the annual

dinner. The

speakers have been just awesome in recent

years. It’s also refreshing to see local

communities, like Janesville, Milton, Edgerton

and Beloit, working so closely together.

Before I came to First Community in Milton, I

ran a family photo processing and portrait

business in the Madison area. We had five

locations. It was before the digital age. I think

having been a small business owner, and

particularly doing so in an industry that was

rapidly changing, helps me better understand

the challenges small business owners face.

Today, working with business owners and being

able to help them achieve their goals is

incredibly rewarding.






We love to go up north to our family cabin in

Eagle River and have made so many great

family memories there. My daughter Parker is

13 and my son Jack is 17. Jack will be a

freshman in college soon, so spending time

together means so much to me. The beach

another favorite. We spend as much time as

we can in the Bonita/Fort Myers area,

escaping winter for a bit!




First Community Bank

Personal goals are as important as career goals.

It is all too easy to get off balance. Be sure to

set goals on both sides and work equally hard

on achieving each. They feed each other.

For those who are just starting out, be patient

and listen. Building a career takes time. If you

work hard, are honest and do what you feel is

the right thing, the rest will take care of itself.





Management, Banking and Finance

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Graduate School of Banking

Madison, Wisconsin


Executive MBA, Business Administration

University of Wisconsin-Madison

School of Business

Madison, Wisconsin


St. Norbert College

DePere, Wisconsin






First Community Bank

Milton, Wisconsin


President / Owner

Photo Express, Inc.

Madison, Wisconsin


Assistant Vice President

M&I Bank

Madison, Wisconsin