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Page Background

I quite literally walked into town at 25

years old and started a practice. I

have never filled out a resume, as this

is the only job I’ve ever had other than

part-time summer jobs. Good thing it

went well!

Janesville is a great community. When I

came to town, people introduced me to

many individuals who helped me, from Jim

Fitzgerald and J.P. Cullen to John Hough.

When I was struggling to find financing for

the new practice, I remember talking my

way into Dan Finane’s office at First National

Bank. Dan was president at the time. He

took a chance on me, making it possible for

me to start my practice from scratch.

I have always been a member and

supporter of Forward Janesville. I feel we

need a strong group who watches out for

area businesses and keeps them working

together. On a personal level, Forward

Janesville gives me and other community

members a chance to attend events and

meet and make new friends and business




s u c c e s s • c h a l l e n g e s • l i f e l e s s o n s • e d u c a t i o n • c a r e e r • f a m i l y • i n s p i r a t i o n s

Find something you love so work is not a

“job,” but an activity you enjoy that allows you

to devote long hours to build success yet also

leaves time for leisure and family time. I have

also been lucky to have a wife that supports

this and works hard in the business with me.




After my schooling in 1976, I made

the decision to come to Wisconsin.

My wife was from Iowa and I was

from Colorado, and we were looking

for something in the Midwest. After

traveling around the state, we

picked Janesville for its size, central

location and friendly people. I opened

up a practice and have been here

ever since.

People often think of me as a basketball guy

after coaching for so many years. And I am.

But what many don’t know is that I also was

a gymnast in high school and even went to

state for the parallel bars. I probably

shouldn’t share this … I may never hear the

end of it!

The most surprising thing about my work is

how much I enjoy treating my patients and

how appreciative they are. The day is super

busy and goes fast, especially when you enjoy

your work and co-workers. I appreciate the

contribution a great staff has made to our

success—seven staff members have been

with us for 30-plus years and four more for

more than 20 years.




FALL 2016


When I’m not working, I like to golf, watch

sporting events and travel, especially to

spend time with family. Two of my sons

work in pro sports, one in the Brewers

front office in Milwaukee and one in

operations for the Memphis Grizzlies in

Tennessee, and my daughter works in TV

for NBC in New York City. We enjoy

spending time on the beach, too, often in

Grand Cayman.



Robinson & Prijic Family

Dental Associates, SC

Giving back to community is extremely important.

Volunteering and helping organizations financially

helps our community grow stronger, which

benefits everyone. In addition, I believe an effort

should always be made to buy locally to help

further strengthen the community.

To enjoy life to the fullest, love your work and

work very hard. I make it a point to surround

myself with staff members that have the same

philosophy and work ethic. Dr. Prijic has been a

practicing partner for 33 years and shares the same

principles, which has made our practice successful.





BS, Microbiology

University of Colorado



Northwestern Dental School





Founder and Partner

Robinson & Prijic Family

Dental Associates, SC