Sustainability is key to the success and
survival of any business. For charitable
organizations, it is easy to rely on the
generosity of donors, foundations and public
funds to support annual operations or to kick-
start a capital project. With an ever changing
financial climate, one or more of these critical
funding sources can be cut or dry up
completely, leaving a nonprofit to fight for its
very existence. In order to prevent or stem this
frightful reality, nonprofits need to act and
think like for-profit businesses and develop
earned revenue streams.
Over the last four years, the Rock County
Historical Society has embraced this
mentality and strategy at all levels of the
organization. We think of our offerings: tours,
exhibits, merchandise, genealogy services,
and more, as product lines. What are the
needs of the community, and what raw
materials, i.e., our sites, collections,
photographs, and most importantly, our
stories will the community respond and react
to that equates to more revenue and support?
Our newest product set to launch in October,
Spirits in the Night
tour, is a perfect
example of this. After guest surveys and
several paranormal events in prior years, it
was a safe bet that the Rock County
community is interested and wants more of
the scary, thriller-type product. Mind you,
Spirits in the Night
is a completely fictitious
tour...there is no connection to the Tallman
family, but due to customer interest, the
Society has invested resources into the tour's
marketing and merchandising to invite non-
traditional audiences to campus for a scare
and when they get there, offering them
opportunities to add to their experience.
Making history or any nonprofit's cause
profitable should,
while giving back to and
improving the community
, should be the
primary strategy of any charitable
organization. Its part of a strategy to stay
sustainable in the 21st Century.
A look back remember When
Mike Reuter
- Executive Director, Rock County Historical Society
Profitable History
W W W . F O R W A R D J A N E S V I L L E . C O M