The Forward Janesville Quarter in Review
The “Leinie Lodge” came to life at the Forward Janesville
2016 Annual Dinner on April 5
More than 700 business and
community members celebrated and enjoyed presentations from
Wisconsin Department of Tourism Secretary Stephanie Klett and
President of Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Company Dick
A full course of golfers enjoyed the 16th annual Forward
Janesville Golf Outing at Riverside Golf Course.
were made at this fun networking gathering. A special thank you
to Baker Tilly, who once again partnered as the Corporate Event
Networking opportunities galore were provided all quarter
A full crowd attended the May “Nothing But Net”, Speed
Networking Session at Flooring & More. The May Business After
Five, hosted by the Janesville School District in partnership with
Blackhawk Community Credit Union,7 was a unique evening
where attendees learned “What’s Cool at School.” In June, the
Armory, Best Events and Bower City Theatre Group hosted a
Business After Five at The Armory.
The Goodwill Ambassadors updated their look, going “out
with the green and in with the red!”
This growing volunteer
group includes more than 50 fabulous member representatives
sharing Forward Janesville and community news.
Forward Janesville partnered with member businesses to host
seven Ribbon Cuttings this quarter.
Ribbon Cuttings are a
complimentary Forward Janesville member benefit and a great
way to gain exposure.
The “Janesville: Community of Choice” video that debuted at
the FJI Annual Dinner reached more than 135,000 people
was viewed 84,000 times and was shared 2,200-plus times on
Facebook. Drywater Productions produced the video.
Forward Janesville led the charge in support of establishing a
Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District for downtown
This TIF District will provide a funding mechanism
for the City’s ARISE Downtown Plan, and it won’t cost the
citizens of Janesville a dime.
FJI continues to lead the conversation on transportation
infrastructure funding in Wisconsin
. FJI co-hosted a regional
meeting of the Wisconsin Transportation Development
Association, where 75 business and community leaders came
together to discuss our state’s infrastructure issues and brainstorm
long-term solutions to the problem.
Questions or comments?
As always, please feel free to contact John Beckord at 608-757-3160 anytime.
W W W . F O R W A R D J A N E S V I L L E . C O M